Employer can't change posted schedules without 14 days notice

If Employers change employees’ scheduled days off or shifts without giving 14 days notice, overtime must be paid.

Article 7.04 of the Provincial Collective Agreement is quite clear:

Article 7.04 (a) (i) states:

If in the course of a posted schedule, the Employer: changes the Employees’ scheduled days off without giving 14 days notice of the change, they shall be paid 2X their Basic Rate of Pay for all hours worked on what would otherwise have been their off-duty days.

Article 7:04 (a) (ii) states:

If in the course of a posted schedule, the Employer: changes an Employees’ scheduled Shift, but not their schedule days off, without giving 14 days notice of the change, they shall be paid 2X their Basic Rate of Pay for all hours worked during the first Shift of the changed schedule.

If your schedule has been changed without 14 days notice and your Employer resists paying you the 2X overtime to which you are entitled, please contact your Local Executive or UNA labour Relations Advisor for assistance.
