Equity caucuses make space for UNA’s diverse membership to gather, advocate, and build awareness

United Nurses of Alberta’s equity caucuses provide a space for a diverse group of members to gather, advocate, and build awareness.

The caucuses meet at UNA’s provincial Annual General Meeting and quarterly throughout the year.

Ethnically Diverse and Indigenous Workers of Alberta – EDIWA Caucus

The Ethnically Diverse and Indigenous Workers of Alberta Caucus reflects UNA’s values and commitment to embrace and celebrate our common humanity and the inherent worth of all people. We recognize the existence of intolerance and inequity that challenges our democratic values and ideals. EDIWA provides a supportive and a non-judgmental forum to bring forward concerns experienced while at work and in the community.

Membership includes all UNA members who value and desire to build a culture of trust, respect and solidarity.

For more information, please contact: EDIWA@una.ca

Mental Health Caucus

A commitment to mental health is about more than talk. UNA’s Mental Health Caucus offers an opportunity for information sharing and networking for nurses who work in mental health. The Mental Health Caucus offers an opportunity for advocacy and sharing perspectives of mental health nursing within greater community of nurses and UNA.

The Mental Health Caucus offers itself as a resource to locals and the provincial organization to help expand the perspectives of mental health nurses.

For more information, please contact: mentalhealthcaucus@una.ca

Pride (LGBTQ2S+) Caucus

UNA’s Pride (LGBTQ2S+) Equity Caucus provides a safe space for UNA members, where open dialogue can occur on issues and challenges that affect members that identify as LGBTQ2S+.

Caucus members strive to empower and aid LGBTQ2S+ members and their allies.

For more information, please contact: pride@una.ca
